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August 8 - 9, 2023

Marriott Columbus Northwest Dublin, Ohio Visit Event Website

Tuesday, August 8

Like many cities, the City of Delaware, Ohio, and the City of Goodyear, Arizona, struggled with the long-term planning of their resources and capital needed to fulfill their responsibilities with their assets. The City of Delaware is responsible for maintaining, inspecting, rehabilitating, or even replacing its 46 bridges of varying types and sizes, and the City of Goodyear is responsible for inspecting and maintaining its 30 bridges and 102 culverts.

This presentation will share how B&N helped these two cities assess their bridge inventories and develop plans to prioritize their efforts, budget for the future, and maximize their limited resources and capital.

B&N Presenters:

Mike Killian, PE

Joe Kelley, PE

Mike Killian, PE, Project Manager

Project Manager

Joe Kelley, PE, Bridge Engineer

Bridge Engineer