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May 15 - 18, 2022

Monterey Conference Center Monterey, California Visit Event Website

Roundabouts were the key to the transfiguration of the character, safety, and operation of a central corridor in the City of Green, Ohio. This presentation will provide the history of transportation studies in this corridor, the process that led to roundabouts being considered and selected, and the distinct and grand benefits that roundabouts had on the transformation of this corridor.

This once unattractive, congested, difficult to access corridor, with a high crash occurrence, was turned into an attractive, efficient, bicycle and pedestrian-friendly corridor. The elimination of signalized intersections and direct left turns to or from the many driveways significantly improved safety along the corridor. Roundabouts provide convenient U-turn locations to allow for that left turn access. Challenges and successes during the project development process will be discussed, including analysis methods, public involvement, and construction. We will also share public reactions to the roundabout dating to the start of the project.   

B&N Presenter:

Steve Thieken, PE, PTOE, AICP

Steve Thieken, PE, PTOE, AICP, Director, Columbus Transportation Division

Director, Columbus Transportation Division