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October 27 - 29, 2020

Virtual Visit Event Website

Tuesday, October 27, 2020
2:00 PM EST

To identify traffic safety issues and develop implementable solutions to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes in Cabell and Wayne Counties, West Virginia, the Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia (KYOVA) Interstate Planning Commission sought to conduct a first of its kind study with the help of Burgess & Niple (B&N). The study will also help KYOVA to plan for PM1 Safety Performance Measures and to assist the state in meeting the targets that KYOVA supports.

Beginning with extremely limited crash data, the study evolved from initial crash data collection through analysis, comparison, and prioritization of crash locations to a summary of improvements and benefit cost ratio that resulted in an implementation plan, which is now in place and being executed. Presented by KYOVA and B&N, this presentation will provide an update on the safety study with topics including:

  • Overall safety statistics in the region
  • How nearly 17,000 crashes (out of 18,000) were located with a level of accuracy
  • The process for identifying hot spot locations
  • Hot spot priority methodology and results
  • Identified improvements and associated safety benefits
  • Details on the action plan developed to ensure that constructible and implementable projects are programmed and executed
B&N Presenters:

Steve Thieken, PE, PTOE, AICP

Kendra Schenk, PE, PTOE, RSP2I

Steve Thieken, PE, PTOE, AICP, Director, Columbus Transportation Division

Director, Columbus Transportation Division

Kendra Schenk, PE, PTOE, RSP2I, Safety Engineer

Safety Engineer