Sawmill Creek Resort Huron, OH Visit Event Website
Wednesday, June 26
10:00-10:45 a.m.
Planning & Design Session
The City of Akron Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) is designed to treat peak flows up to 220 MGD through primary and secondary treatment systems. The purpose of Akron’s Biological Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment (BioCEPT) project is to construct flow equalization and biological high rate wet weather treatment for flows above 220 MGD and up to the design peak flow of 280 MGD. It will provide biological treatment for additional biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removal upstream of chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT).
The BioCEPT system is intended to provide storage of approximately 10 million gallons. If wet weather flows exceed the storage capacity, overflows from the BioCEPT system will combine with WRF Secondary Effluent prior to disinfection treatment through the WRF disinfection system. Overflow from the BioCEPT system must meet requirements for BOD and total suspended solids (TSS), and the combined BioCEPT overflow and WRF secondary effluent must meet the Consent Decree requirements for E. coli during recreation season.
The BioCEPT facility has been designed, will be bid in early 2019, and will be under construction through 2021. B&N’s Dan Johnson, PE will join Brian Gresser, PE from the City of Akron to present a summary of USEPA requirements, design challenges, and the status of the project.
Wednesday, June 26
1:30-2:15 p.m.
Construction Session
The Village of Williamsburg owns and operates a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) that discharges treated effluent to the East Fork of the Little Miami River. Starting in 2006, relatively frequent permit violations were registered. The violations, coupled with infrastructure and equipment in the 20- to 50-year age range, lead to development of a three-phase improvement plan that would upgrade all treatment equipment and pumps, provide influent flow equalization and onsite biosolids handling, end liquid waste sludge transport to another WWTP, and implement biological nutrient removal (BNR) of phosphorus using a continuous flow process.
As part of a comprehensive study updated in 2007, five alternatives were developed to upgrade and expand the WWTP with regards to reliability, efficiency, and capacity. Conversion of the sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) and sludge holding tanks to BNR basins was the most cost-effective approach to repurpose existing facilities to meet anticipated future, more stringent permit requirements. Process modeling that demonstrated efficient use of converted existing basin volume would allow the Village to double the capacity of their plant and maintain receiving stream effluent loadings.
A phased approach was developed so the most problematic situations could be corrected first. This approach allowed the Village to meet future permits that will most likely contain nutrient limitations for phosphorus and nitrogen, accommodate additional customers as the Williamsburg area grows in population, and correct operational limitations in the current configuration of the WWTP. Phasing also allowed apportioned outlay of Village money for these improvements.
B&N’s Mark Upite and Sam Swanson will join Kyle Cribbet from the Village of Williamsburg to discuss the phased improvements, summarize the approach to grant-funding projects with low-interest loan backups, provide tips in piloting an interim phosphorus-reducing chemical system, and detail specific steps in converting existing tanks from a conventional batch activated sludge system to a continuous flow BNR treatment system.