San Antonio Convention Center San Antonio, Texas Visit Event Website
Wednesday, April 25
10:30-11:00 a.m.
When a small Texas city approached B&N to conduct a comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey (SSES) of its collection system, the project team found that the map data they would typically use was inaccurate and outdated. This meant that inspection activities, such as below ground pole camera inspection, smoke testing, flow monitoring, and CCTV inspection, would have to be used to verify the locations of the system’s assets as well as pipe connectivity.
Using a B&N-developed database to consistently collect and store data, as well as GIS data management, the project team created a digital representation of the collection system that will allow the city to manage and plan for its system needs. Join B&N’s Colin Sutton to learn more about this project and the methodologies that were used.
Wednesday, April 25
1:45-2:15 p.m.
Through the application of data and information from previous SSES projects,
B&N helped a small Texas City drastically reduce the cost and time required
to construct a dynamic hydraulic model of its wastewater collection system and
develop a wastewater master plan. The modeling/master planning methodologies
performed for this project can be applied to other small communities, allowing
them to effectively accost a hydraulic model and master plan to meet their
collection system needs. B&N’s Michelle Lacks will discuss the methodology
used to build this effective and efficient master plan hydraulic model and how
it can be applied to similar projects.