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September 13 - 16, 2016

Hilton Netherlands Plaza Cincinnati, OH Visit Event Website

11:10 a.m.
Distribution Session

Constructing an elevated water storage tank and performing maintenance and repairs throughout the life of the structure is typically uncharted territory for utility owners. This is due, in part, to the fact that improvements occur rather infrequently, once every 20 or 30 years. While water storage tanks are not complex structures and are relatively maintenance free, it is beneficial for the utility owner to have a general background on the construction and rehabilitation of the structure.

This presentation will outline the progression of a new tank from design through construction, followed by the subsequent rehabilitation of the protective coating system that follows years later. In addition, during the rehabilitation of the coating system, there are a number of repair and replacement items that may be encountered that are not anticipated by the utility owner. These repair items also will be discussed.

B&N Presenter:

Tim Antos, PE

Tim Antos, PE, Director, Painesville Utility Infrastructure Section

Director, Painesville Utility Infrastructure Section