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  • Location: Wood and Washington Counties, West Virginia

B&N is working with the Wood-Washington-Wirt (WWW) Interstate Planning Commission to update its Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). This effort will result in a major update to the WWW LRTP that reflects the evolving goals and objectives for the region, including a greater emphasis on multimodal transportation and economic development.

B&N worked with WWW to refresh its agency logo and develop a similarly themed, plan-specific logo. These branding elements were then used to advertise the LRTP update and drive traffic to the project website for project updates and public engagement opportunities. 

One facet of the LRTP involved incorporating a detailed safety analysis. An added challenge with this analysis involved using crash data from two different states. Using available information such as mileposts, addresses and GPS coordinates, crashes were geo-located in the geographic information system (GIS). Once located, a heat map was created to illustrate the locations with the highest crash frequencies. From the heat maps, B&N identified a list of high crash locations in each Wood and Washington Counties that were most in need of safety improvement. These improvements were used in the prioritization of projects in the LRTP.

B&N compiled a transportation system needs inventory that includes needs identified through previous studies and plans, public and stakeholder input, and the crash analysis and travel demand modeling conducted as part of the LRTP update. B&N has used an iterative review process that involves extensive coordination with both WWW and the Advisory Group, to filter and refine the identified needs and then develop recommended projects and strategies that will address the highest priority needs in the region.