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  • Location: Mesa, Arizona

As the third largest city in the state, the City of Mesa, Arizona, is experiencing exponential growth and needs to update their roadways and utilities to keep up with population demands. B&N provided engineering services to the City of Mesa to update its aging water mains, gas mains and roadway network along Westwood Street on the city's west side. All utility-related replacements included fire hydrants, service lines, meter boxes and the relocation and conversion of an existing below-grade four-inch water meter to an above-ground assembly at Emerson Elementary School and the establishment of a new eight-inch looped waterline at the Carson Aquatic Complex. These improvements have eliminated water main breaks and provided clean, drinkable water for the surrounding community.

Improvements to Westwood Street’s roadway network included the installation of three raised pedestrian crosswalks, traffic signal and ADA improvement additions at Rio Salado and University intersections with Westwood and associated signing and pavement marking updates. These roadway improvements have subsequently created safer streets by reducing speeds and increasing the awareness of pedestrians walking to/from work and school.