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  • Location: City of Watauga, Texas

B&N field services helped provide updated information on the City of Watauga’s storm drainage system in Spring 2021. The field crews collected data on nearly a thousand stormwater assets to help complete the updated drainage master plan, including hydrologic calculations of each drainage basin and an updated map for the City. The team created an asset management database, recording latitude and longitudinal coordinates in addition to surface and flowline elevations. The B&N field crews utilize the latest technology to optimize field efficiency and ensure accuracy for the best results. With being tasked to locate every stormwater asset that the City owns and maintains, it was imperative to provide survey-grade results in a short time frame. The field crews utilized a Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS unit to locate every manhole, storm inlet, outfall and drainage structure within the City limits.


Stormwater Slant: B&N is preparing a Drainage Master Plan for the City of Watauga, Texas. Field crews located all Watauga drainage structures in GIS and created an asset management database. Since the current drainage ordinance was out-of-date, B&N prepared new drainage criteria, updated their drainage ordinance, and is now preparing drainage calculations for all existing drainage structures and systems based on the new criteria and ordinance. In undeveloped areas, we are conceptually designing new drainage systems.

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