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  • Location: Fayette and Raleigh Counties, West Virginia

B&N is leading the update of the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the Fayette-Raleigh Metropolitan Planning Organization (FRMPO). B&N and FRMPO have formed a Steering Committee to provide input and make decisions during this process. Coordination with the Steering Committee provides an opportunity to create an environment of collaboration and brings diverse perspectives and valuable local experience and expertise to the table.

Federal Planning Requirements

B&N worked with FRMPO to incorporate performance-based planning factors and performance measurement into the plan update to satisfy all requirements of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The federal planning factors are reflected in the goals and objectives that B&N established with FRMPO and the Steering Committee. 

The 16-month LRTP update process includes updating the travel demand model, extensive stakeholder and public involvement, and detailed technical analysis. These efforts lead to an updated, prioritized list of multimodal project recommendations for the region by the end of 2021. 

Safety Considerations

As part of the LRTP, B&N helped identify crash hot spots throughout both counties. To accomplish this, B&N used available information, such as mileposts, addresses and GPS coordinates to locate where crashes occurred. Once located, a heat map was created to illustrate the locations with the highest crash frequencies. From the heat maps, B&N identified a list of intersections with the highest crash frequency and severity to ensure that safety improvements would have the greatest impact. The final product was a prioritized list of 10 intersections with the most need for safety improvements which were incorporated into the LRTP.