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  • Location: Fairfield, Ohio

Fairfield North Elementary and Fairfield East Elementary in the Fairfield City School District in Ohio are located on roadways without sidewalks. The surrounding neighborhoods need more safe, active transportation facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians traveling to and from the schools.

Based on an existing conditions analysis and public and stakeholder input, B&N developed project recommendations and compiled a final School Travel Plan document with actionable projects and programs eligible for ODOT Safe Routes to School funding.

The School Travel Plan recommended several improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities to create a more connected and safer active transportation network for students who live within a mile of the elementary schools. Additionally, B&N developed a list of programs to encourage walking and biking and alternative funding sources to support the efforts.

A key recommendation is the installation of a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) crosswalk, which would create a safe crossing from Fairfield East Elementary to the adjacent neighborhood with sidewalks. This enhancement would enable a substantial portion of the student population to walk or bike to school. These recommendations are poised to improve the surrounding infrastructure significantly, facilitating better pedestrian and bicyclist access to schools and nearby neighborhoods.